All throughout the day today I was thinking what a serene day not only this day today is, but how Sundays are usually very serene days for me and for others as well. For some people it is their church day, for some, a day off work, for others, a quiet contemplative day, and for many, a kind of reverent hush falls over the day that is not conscious, but is felt. A day of rest, a day far away from the madness of the world, for most of us, although now with everything open seven days a week, not so much for everybody. I have always loved Sundays, and thought that this might be a quiet gentle thing for us to share...
So share with us your peaceful Sundays, tell us what you do, even little things... do you drink coffee or tea, watch the birds at the feeders, read the paper, attend a church or spiritual service of any kind, and what does that mean to you?
As always, you can share "notes, quotes & flashing thoughts," those things that flit through our brains (often in the midst of our writing something else) and seem insignificant, but can be a very powerful sharing and really touch someone else.
So I shall share a few of my Serene Sunday thoughts for today, and I will look forward to hearing about yours too...
* One thing that has been a long-standing Sunday activity is to begin reading my Sunday New York Times, (It's so big I read it all week and only get it on Sundays...). It is not only a real treat but I save The Book Review for last, like dessert! Also, I save the papers because there are a world of things to cut out for collage and art projects.
*After reading a bit of the Times, with about 1/2 of my latte left, I head outside with the dogs and check the garden, do a little deadheading, maybe cut a few flowers for a bouquet, and visit Bella, my Banana Spider whom I wrote about several entries back. Her web is now absolutely huge and she is a very busy little mama, getting ready to lay her wee little eggs from which the spiderlings will hatch. I am fascinated by her, and I say, "Ciao, Bella," as I pass...
* Sundays have also always been days for classical music, fiber art, meditation and prayer, and other contemplative tasks, even some housework. I love spinning yarn on Sundays, or weaving, or working on any new project, often shuffling several at once as the muse moves. Chop wood, carry water, as the saying goes. The wheel keeps turning and the household must too.
* Funny things... Sundays are usually the days I cut and color my hair (Yes, I buy my hair color for $3 at the Dollar Store,) and do a facial mask and maybe a homespun pedicure. No polish, just soaking and sloughing and buffing and cutting nails and massaging the feet. Your feet are so important to your well-being and are so often forgotten, just something down there that we walk on. Of course I wear wildly attractive shoes. I have worn Birkenstocks for 30 years, and the last year or so have gone WILD for Crocs. Here's one pair. I have them in several colors and have never had anything more comfortable on my feet. Of course after 2 foot surgeries wherein I couldn't walk for a year, and then several years later, shattering both of them (The doctor said, "Honey, you didn't break your feet, you shattered them..."), needing 2 casts and a very long recovery period, not walking unaided for another year (Talk about foot karma???) I didn't think I'd ever find something that felt good on my feet EVER. Here, I proudly present my wonkified feet in their favorite shoes...

Yes, I'm the woman outside with five dogs -- four puglets and Big Dog Moe -- carrying around a plastic bag for "Poody Duty" and looking about as odd as one can, with a ratty caftan blowing in the wind, my Crocs in a color that just doesn't match (Red, Blue, Purple too. I had an orange pair that I gave to a friend and now I grieve their passing. Likely orange will find their way back into the fold and probably pink too. My Birkenstocks are my "dress up" shoes (Stop Smirking, I saw that!) and I just got a new pair of Arizona's for my daughter's wedding at which I was both the mother of the bride as well as the minister performing the ceremony. "The minister wore an ankle length midnight blue dress and Birkenstocks." Lord, I think I looked smashing! And shocking to a few people too. Crocs are definitely Sunday footwear. And by the by, I buy both my Crocs and Birks on eBay. I got FOUR pair of Crocs in different colors on eBay for the price of one! In my Bigfoot size even. Just paid $40 for a brand new, tags on, in the box pair of $125 Birks.
I'm sure this must be a Serene Sunday topic somehow. At least it started out to be...
* Sunday is also a day to write and call dear friends, to share the love and touch base. My sweet mother, in her final days, told me today she wanted me to always have close friends, and cherish them, and make an effort to keep in touch. She said that keeping up with friendships can take some effort, but oh, what a pay-off. I told my mother she'd better be talking to me from "up there," and she said she would. I will always need my mother's wise counsel. But I hope she doesn't notice my footwear. She wonders where she went wrong as a mother that I would end up wearing such footwear, and she gave up bringing me nylons when she came to visit after realizing that all I used them for was the outside dryer vent, help on by rubberbands. Boy was she miffed. But at least I didn't get any more nylons...
And so dear ones, those are a few thoughts from me today, what are your Serene Sundays like? I'd really like to know. Sign up even if you can't start until next week. I'll look forward to seeing you..
So share with us your peaceful Sundays, tell us what you do, even little things... do you drink coffee or tea, watch the birds at the feeders, read the paper, attend a church or spiritual service of any kind, and what does that mean to you?
As always, you can share "notes, quotes & flashing thoughts," those things that flit through our brains (often in the midst of our writing something else) and seem insignificant, but can be a very powerful sharing and really touch someone else.
So I shall share a few of my Serene Sunday thoughts for today, and I will look forward to hearing about yours too...
* One thing that has been a long-standing Sunday activity is to begin reading my Sunday New York Times, (It's so big I read it all week and only get it on Sundays...). It is not only a real treat but I save The Book Review for last, like dessert! Also, I save the papers because there are a world of things to cut out for collage and art projects.
*After reading a bit of the Times, with about 1/2 of my latte left, I head outside with the dogs and check the garden, do a little deadheading, maybe cut a few flowers for a bouquet, and visit Bella, my Banana Spider whom I wrote about several entries back. Her web is now absolutely huge and she is a very busy little mama, getting ready to lay her wee little eggs from which the spiderlings will hatch. I am fascinated by her, and I say, "Ciao, Bella," as I pass...
* Sundays have also always been days for classical music, fiber art, meditation and prayer, and other contemplative tasks, even some housework. I love spinning yarn on Sundays, or weaving, or working on any new project, often shuffling several at once as the muse moves. Chop wood, carry water, as the saying goes. The wheel keeps turning and the household must too.
* Funny things... Sundays are usually the days I cut and color my hair (Yes, I buy my hair color for $3 at the Dollar Store,) and do a facial mask and maybe a homespun pedicure. No polish, just soaking and sloughing and buffing and cutting nails and massaging the feet. Your feet are so important to your well-being and are so often forgotten, just something down there that we walk on. Of course I wear wildly attractive shoes. I have worn Birkenstocks for 30 years, and the last year or so have gone WILD for Crocs. Here's one pair. I have them in several colors and have never had anything more comfortable on my feet. Of course after 2 foot surgeries wherein I couldn't walk for a year, and then several years later, shattering both of them (The doctor said, "Honey, you didn't break your feet, you shattered them..."), needing 2 casts and a very long recovery period, not walking unaided for another year (Talk about foot karma???) I didn't think I'd ever find something that felt good on my feet EVER. Here, I proudly present my wonkified feet in their favorite shoes...
Yes, I'm the woman outside with five dogs -- four puglets and Big Dog Moe -- carrying around a plastic bag for "Poody Duty" and looking about as odd as one can, with a ratty caftan blowing in the wind, my Crocs in a color that just doesn't match (Red, Blue, Purple too. I had an orange pair that I gave to a friend and now I grieve their passing. Likely orange will find their way back into the fold and probably pink too. My Birkenstocks are my "dress up" shoes (Stop Smirking, I saw that!) and I just got a new pair of Arizona's for my daughter's wedding at which I was both the mother of the bride as well as the minister performing the ceremony. "The minister wore an ankle length midnight blue dress and Birkenstocks." Lord, I think I looked smashing! And shocking to a few people too. Crocs are definitely Sunday footwear. And by the by, I buy both my Crocs and Birks on eBay. I got FOUR pair of Crocs in different colors on eBay for the price of one! In my Bigfoot size even. Just paid $40 for a brand new, tags on, in the box pair of $125 Birks.
I'm sure this must be a Serene Sunday topic somehow. At least it started out to be...
* Sunday is also a day to write and call dear friends, to share the love and touch base. My sweet mother, in her final days, told me today she wanted me to always have close friends, and cherish them, and make an effort to keep in touch. She said that keeping up with friendships can take some effort, but oh, what a pay-off. I told my mother she'd better be talking to me from "up there," and she said she would. I will always need my mother's wise counsel. But I hope she doesn't notice my footwear. She wonders where she went wrong as a mother that I would end up wearing such footwear, and she gave up bringing me nylons when she came to visit after realizing that all I used them for was the outside dryer vent, help on by rubberbands. Boy was she miffed. But at least I didn't get any more nylons...
And so dear ones, those are a few thoughts from me today, what are your Serene Sundays like? I'd really like to know. Sign up even if you can't start until next week. I'll look forward to seeing you..

I just love you! I love the image I have of you out walking your dogs. You make me smile:)
Sunday is also a day to write. yeah, I think I agree with you. I just want make beautiful sunday to write about my live, my family, and my love. ^_^
I am famous at home for my old black Crocs - best shoes ever! You have some great colors (love the green, and purple sounds excellent too, one of my favorite colors) :)
Love your blog layout BTW. Cute post. I love my pink/orange tie dye clogs hehe. It's a personal statement :-P
Yeah, I enjoy my Sundays but sometimes I need to just relax and not worry that the next day is a Monday the beginning of a new week...hope you have a great Tuesday ..;)